Some Lucoli’s memories by Alan Turner – New York.

by Amministratore
Colle di Lucoli una finestra dedicata alla Madonna – Foto di Alan Turner
Our first trip to Lucoli was on New Year’s Day 2008, my memory was of a beautiful and rugged landscape.  It later snowed and we feared getting stuck  in Lucoli and so drove back to Rome in a beautiful gentle snow storm.  I vividly remember returning to Lucoli after the earthquake, in 2010.  We drove around with Fabrizio and Tony. The devastation was  overwhelming. Towns and villages were reduced to rubble but the  landscape was still ruggedly beautiful. I felt that the resilience of  Lucoli and the surrounding area would enable it to survive, and to  prosper. I felt that resilience in the good nature of the people  whom I met.
In 2011 I returned again and saw the ruins of the magnificent Abby which I am sure will be restored. I saw as well the memory garden  which Fabrizio and Emanuela constructed in many instances with their
own hands. Resilient Lucoli will survive and prosper. How could it not?
Alan Turner currently lives and works in New York City. A Bronx native and graduate of the University of California, Berkeley, Turner has exhibited in the United States and internationally at galleries in New York and Europe. His work is also in such major museums as The Metropolitan Museum of Art, MoMA, The Whitney Museum of American Art, and the Museum of Fine Art in Boston, Massachusetts.
Le opere di Alan Turner sono esposte: 
Addison Museum of American Art, Andover, MA. ARCO Center for the Visual Arts , Atlantic Richfield, Los Angeles, CA. Australian National Bank, Canberra, Australia. Bank of America, San Francisco, CA. Centerre Bank and Trust Co., St. Louis, MO. Cigna Corporation, Hartford, CT. Continental Bank of Chicago, Chicago, IL. Denver Art Museum, Denver, CO. Fried, Frank, Harris, Schriver & Jacobson, New York, NY. Goldman-Sachs, New York, NY. Green Point Corp., New York, NY. Hayden Gallery, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. Hebrew Home for the Aged, Riverdale, NY. JP Morgan Chase Bank, New York, NY. Minneapolis Institute of Art, Minneapolis, MN. Museum of Fine Art, Boston. A. Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas. Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY. Neuberger and Berman, New York, NY. New York Public Library, New York, NY. Ohio University, Athens, OH. Prudential Insurance Co., Newark, NJ. Southeast Banking Corp., Miami, FL. Third National Bank & Trust Co., Dayton, OH. Wertheim & Co., New York, NY. Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY. Hood Museum of Art at Dartmouth College
Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY. Southeast Banking Corp., Miami, FL.
Alan Turner è un pittore americano che ha imparato ad amare Lucoli e che ha sostenuto il Giardino della Memoria adottando un albero. Ci ha regalato alcune sue impressioni di viaggio ed una bella foto da lui scattata a Colle.
Un acquarello di Alan Turner
Turner sarà di nuovo in Italia nel prossimo mese di gennaio 2012, senz’altro vorrà ritrovare i paesaggi di Lucoli, che osserva sempre in modo attentissimo, cogliendo, come solo un artista sa fare, la bellezza di particolari che sfuggono ai più.
Alan Turner è stato uno dei primi a credere nel Memoriale già dal 2010

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