by Amministratore

Torniamo a parlare della gente di Lucoli. 
Oggi scriveremo di un Padre Passionista: Fratel Agostino dell’Addolorata che nacque a Lucoli e da sacerdote faceva parte della Provincia Pietà (Maria SS. della Pietà), divenne religioso il 14 novembre 1897. 

I fratelli di Fratel Agostino Timoteo, Carmine e Salvatore con le proprie famiglie Timoteo ProperziMaria De FelicisVittoria GrossoSalvatore ProperziCarmine Properzi e Angela Marrocchi

La Congregazione della passione di Gesù Cristo (in latino Congregatio passionis Iesu Christi) è un istituto religioso maschile di diritto pontificio: i membri di questa congregazione clericale, detti passionisti, pospongono al loro nome la sigla C.P. La congregazione fu fondata nel 1720 da san Paolo della Croce e il primo convento fu eretto sul monte Argentario; la regola dell’istituto, approvata da papa Benedetto XIV il 15 maggio 1741, obbliga i passionisti, con un quarto voto, alla propagazione della devozione alla Passione di Gesù per mezzo di missioni e altri sacri ministeri. I passionisti portano un tonaca nera, stretta in vita da una cintura di cuoio, e sul petto un distintivo con l’effigie di un cuore sormontato da una croce bianca con la scritta Jesu XPI Passio. La spiritualità passionista è quindi incentrata sul mistero della passione e morte di Gesù vista come manifestazione suprema dell’amore infinito di Dio per gli uomini: i passionisti si impegnano mediante un quarto voto alla propagazione della devozione a tale mistero. La struttura giuridico canonica della congregazione è affine a quella degli ordini mendicanti e degli ordini di chierici regolari.

L’emblema della congregazione consiste in un cuore di nero, bordato d’argento e sormontato da una croce patente pure d’argento; nel campo l’iscrizione: JESU XPI PASSIO; in punta i tre chiodi della crocifissione. Il cuore è sostenuto da un ramo d’olivo simboleggiante la pace e uno d’alloro, simbolo di immortalità

Agostino dell’Addolorata svolgeva il lavoro di sarto e di infermiere. Fu missionario in Brasile ed arrivò a San Paolo 6 marzo 1913. Fu assegnato al Convento del Calvario, dove ha esercitato diversi mestieri, ma quando nel 1915 il Superiore Generale decise che i religiosi provenienti dalla Provincia della Pietà avrebbero dovuto assumere la fondazione della Provincia religiosa del Paranà e quelli della Presentazione di Maria prendessero la responsabilità della fondazione di quella di San Paolo, Fratel Agostino che faceva parte della Provincia della Pietà, invece di trasferirsi in Paranà preferì tornare in Italia, per motivi di salute. Dopo un breve periodo di due anni, ritornò nella sua terra il 2 febbraio 1915. Morì a Pontefelcino, nel convento di San Giuseppe, vicino a Perugia, Italia, il 17 agosto 1923, a 49 anni di età e 26 di professione religiosa. Non si è potuta identificare la sua sepoltura essendo in un sepolcro comune.

Il libro “Storia dei Passionisti PIET” presenta, per la prima volta, la storia della Provincia Maria SS. della Pietà (Italia Centro-Est) dei Passionisti, dal 1851 al 2011 è su questo che sono riportate le notizie sulla vita di Abramo Properzi. La Provincia abbraccia cinque regioni: Abruzzo, Emilia-Romagna, Lazio, Marche e Umbria. La provincia PIET è stata guidata da persone di governo molto preparate ed ha ottenuto buoni risultati nell’ambito della congregazione. Ne fanno fede, tra l’altro, le richieste di predicazione che giunsero numerose e che coprivano tutte le regioni della nuova provincia. Giunse quindi improvvisa e devastante l’epoca della soppressione, decretata dal governo italiano (1861-1882). Da questo evento traumatico i Passionisti si risollevarono tramite l’intervento del beato Bernardo M. Silvestrelli (+ 1911), compagno di noviziato di san Gabriele dell’Addolorata (+ 1862): il santo dei giovani, patrono d’Abruzzo, che apparteneva proprio a questa Provincia. Tutti conoscono il Santuario si san Gabriele edificato dal 1892 e l’espansione graduale dell’apostolato dei Passionisti. La loro attività non si è limitata alla pastorale dei santuari o alla predicazione delle missioni popolari e gli esercizi spirituali: apostolato tipico dei Passionisti, fin dalla loro fondazione (1721). Essi hanno allargato il loro orizzonte fino a toccare la missione dell’Indonesia (Kalimantan Barat) e, recentemente, si sono dedicati alla ricostruzione della realtà della Chiesa nel Nord della Bulgaria (Diocesi di Nicopoli).


In this page provides information about the life of Fratel Agostino, I want my endless thanks to Father Enzo Annibali (Convent of Recanati – Macerata – Marche – Italy)

His life in a few Words
Abramo Properzi (Fratel Agostino dell’Addolorata), was born in Lucoli (L’Aquila) on May 18, 1874, by Americo Properzi and Domenica Marotta. His mother died very young and his father, remained alone with five little children, married another woman, Cristina Petricone. They had another four children. In his childhood, there was an episode handed down from generations in generation, is located on this page. 
On November 14, 1897, after a year of novitiate, he took vows in the convent of S. Eutizio (Soriano nel Cimino – VT). When in Brazil, founded the first Passionist house churches 1 to leave the mission, but had to return after a few years, for health reasons.
He died at age 49, August 17, 1923 (it was a Friday) in the withdrawal of S. Joseph near Perugia (the present convent Montescosso in Pontefelcino) after 26 years of religious profession. His burial-place wasn’t found in the adjacent cemetery. By that time it was customary, when the number of graves are limited, that they were occupied by the last men deceased, while those exhumed were placed in the common charnel house, thereby allowing the original burial place to be re-used.

All episodes of his life
His house in Collimento
He was born in Lucoli (L’Aquila) 20th May, 1874, in the family of Americo Properzi and Domenica Marotta. It was baptized in Lucoli, the very day that he borned; he was also confirmed, this was non-notified or registered by us, but insured by the certificate of the Archbishop of L’Aquila. Remained in Lucoli until he was 22 years, when he became part of the Passionist Family. He arrived at the Novitiate of St. Eutizio, in Soriano nel Cimino (Viterbo), on 30th October, 1896, then he took the religious habit and began his novitiate at St. Eutizio on 13th November, 1896, being the Father of Novices Maestro Angelo Luigi-the Mother of God He made his Perpetual Profession of Vows at St. Eutizio (14th November, 1897) in the hands of the Father Angelo Luigi Mother-God, Master of Novices. For some months yet completed his training in the convent novitiate, where he learned the trade of cook. On an unspecified date was moved to SS. Giovanni e Paolo (Rome) and in this convent he learned the art of the tailor and the nurse. He left Rome on January 1899. From 13th January, 1899 to 12th June, 1899 he resided at the Sanctuary of Madonna della Stella, with the office of cook or tailor and nurse. The period from 12th June, 1899 to 25th April, 1900 it was again in the convent of S. Eutizio (Viterbo) with the office of cook, tailor and nurse. From the 25th of April, 1900 to the 3th November, 1903 lived in Montescosso (Perugia), with the office of cook, or nurse-tailor. From 3th of November, 1903 to 14 th of June, 1904 sent back to the convent of SS. Giovanni e Paolo (Roma), probably in the office to specialize in tailor and nurse. From 14th June, 1904 to 14th October, 1904, he moved back to Montescosso of Perugia, with the office of tailor and nurse that Novitiate. From 14th October, 1904 to 15th February, 1909 was in the convent of Casale di Rimini, with the office of tailor and nurse. The period from 15th February, 1909 to 20th January, 1913 resided in the Novitiate of the Madonna della Stella, always with the office of tailor and nurse. The period from 20th January, 1913 to 6th April, 1915 including his missionary venture in Brazil, Curitiba and Sao Paulo. He left the Madonna della Stella, he stopped briefly in Rome, then embarked to Brazil, where he remained for about two years (1913-1915), doing a bit ‘of everything in that mission and the foundation. His health was not good and he fell ill. In the spring of 1915 returned to Italy, first to Rome and then to Moricone (not far from Rome). From 6th April, 1915 to 3th July, 1915 he resided briefly at the Sanctuary of the Madonna della Stella, to recover strength and make himself useful to the community. Then moved from the Convent of S. Marcello to San Gabriel (Isola del Gran Sasso – Teramo). From July, 1915 until 1918 he resided at the Sanctuary of St. Gabriel, always tailor and nurse’s office. As can be seen from the “Register of religious family in the years 1916-17-18-19” of Borgetto, he staied in Moricone before moving to Borgetto (Palermo); it is documented here a brief stay in Sicily in this foundation, with the office of lodge, from 14th March 1919 to 23th July (August 9th?) 1919.He then moved to Borgetto (Palermo), it is here documented a short stay in this Sicilian foundation, with the usual office until 9th August , 1919. Since 9th August, 1919 to 3th January, 1921 was in the community of Moricone (Rome), always with the office of tailor and nurse. From 5th January, 1921 to 17th August, 1923 (date of his death) was again in the community of Montescosso of Perugia, where he exercised the office of nurse and dressmaker to the last. He died in the Retreat of Montescosso on 17th August, 1923, at about 3 p.m. 
An important passage 
There is an event who happened during his life, that was handing down in the years and that we can consider a prelude to all of its passage on this earth. 
The following story was told by his father’s second wife, Cristina. Abramo lived in the small town of Collimento (L’Aquila); it as the second half of the nineteenth and the children were often alone while their parents worked the fields. One day, walking with his companions, he fell into a very rough place in the country said “cottorò” (translated from dialect as a large pot). He slipped and fell into this “bowl” carved in stone from the water and full of water. His friends fled, probably scared, leaving him covered by water. A shepherd of the country found him completely wet and covered it with a “santarella” (a old word used to indicate a kind of cloak of shepherds); accompanied him to home, where, reply to questions from parents surprised by how it could be released from such a large container filled with water, he said that a lady dressed in black had given him her hand, helped him and then disappeared. His parents, knowing the cliff, saw desperate to resume now the dead body. Instead they found him safe; he said that was carried on by a lady dressed in black. The lady dressed in black has always been referred to as the “Madonna”. Other memories of his childhood (always told by Cristina): One day, while Abraham was changing, he dropped a square of perforated iron, and the mother noticed it and asked for an explanation but he did not want to give. They noticed that he used instruments for corporal penance; he was pervaded by the religious and faith that will always be an integral part of his life. A life which, although short, it will use to show his deep devotion to the people.
Per saperne di più consultare la pagina in memoria di Abramo Properzi, fratel Agostino dell’Addolorata (Passionista) – Page in memory of Abraham Properzi, brother Augustine of Addolorata (Passionist):

Si ringrazia la signora Stefania Properzi (pronipote di Fratel Agostino dell’Addolorata – era il fratello del nonno) per l’autorizzazione alla pubblicazione del testo.

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